Home United States USA — Financial De Blasio gives NYC hope with July 1 reopening target

De Blasio gives NYC hope with July 1 reopening target


More than a year after the city that never sleeps went into hibernation, Mayor Bill de Blasio is rallying the public with hope. “We are …
More than a year after the city that never sleeps went into hibernation, Mayor Bill de Blasio is rallying the public with hope. “We are ready to bring New York City back fully on July 1st, all systems go, because you’ve earned it,” he announced Thursday. We’d like to see as much open as possible before then — as would most New Yorkers. But setting a serious target lets 8 million city-dwellers stuck too long in mostly tiny apartments look forward to a sweet season in the sun. “This is going to be the summer of New York City,” Hizzoner enthused. “I think people are going to flock to New York City because they want to live again.” He announced the date on “Morning Joe,” then hedged a bit at his later press conference, calling it a “goal.” But he’s taken a big step forward himself by ordering 80,000 municipal workers to return to their offices May 3.

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