Home United States USA — Cinema Two Spanish Journalists Believed to Be Killed in Burkina Faso

Two Spanish Journalists Believed to Be Killed in Burkina Faso


The journalists were filming a documentary about anti-poaching patrol in the Western African nation when their patrol was ambushed.
At least two European journalists were believed to have been killed in the Western African nation of Burkina Faso after being kidnapped on Monday, according to the Spanish authorities, amid reports that a third was also abducted and killed. The two journalists, both from northern Spain, were working on a documentary about anti-poaching efforts in Burkina Faso, Spain’s foreign minister, Arancha González Laya, said at a news conference. She said the Spanish authorities were awaiting confirmation on the deaths from their Burkinabé counterparts, but she paid respect to the families and to journalists. She referred to the two reporters by their initials but did not disclose their names. “As the situation of these two journalists reminds us, your profession is one of great risk in so many areas around the world,” Ms. González told reporters. The two journalists were part of a group of 40 people who were ambushed on Monday in a nature reserve in southern Burkina Faso near the border with Benin, Ms. González said. The fate of the others in the group was unclear, but Christophe Deloire, the secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, said that a third journalist had been killed.

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