Home United States USA — Political Watch: ‘I Voted for You’ – Cuban Americans Turn on Biden

Watch: ‘I Voted for You’ – Cuban Americans Turn on Biden


Tensions rose in front of the White House Sunday as a small group of socialists in defense of the Cuban communist regime attempted to confront …
Tensions rose in front of the White House Sunday as a small group of socialists in defense of the Cuban communist regime attempted to confront a peaceful assembly in support of the rights of Cuban people. Lilia Gort, who was participating in the much larger assembly against communism, came from Tampa, Florida, because, as she told Breitbart News, “We want freedom for our people in Cuba. The Cuban people don’t have any rights. We don’t have freedom of speech. It’s been like this for 61 years or more. The children don’t have any food. They don’t have medicine.” “The people are being pulled out of their houses right now and they are being killed because on July 11, they went out on the streets to protest because they are tired of living in misery,” Gort continued, appearing to reference video footage smuggled out of Cuba of state security conducting door-to-door raids and shooting unarmed civilians in their homes, sometimes in front of their children. “They are tired of not being able to speak and say what they want to say. They have no food. They have nothing,” Gort continued. “They need our help. They need President Biden to step up.… All we want is freedom. We don’t want no money. We don’t want COVID [coronavirus] shots. We need help. That’s what we want.” Cuban-American Abraham Corces came from New York City to D.C. to protest in support “for the Cuban people and to ask for freedom.” Corces said, “ I would like Sleepy Joe to wake up and see that communism and socialism is a failed system and our neighbors 90 miles away need our help right now, the same way we’ve helped many other nations.” (emphasis added) Cuban-Americans calling for freedom created a living art piece representing what is happening in Cuba. The demonstration served as the background while speakers called for the end of the Castro Regime. Authorities separated the pro-regime group, which claimed to assemble to call for an end to the few sanctions still in place on the Castro regime, from the Cuban-Americans with an orange plastic barrier in the park. They passed out copies of Liberation, the “Newspaper of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.” Despite attempts for interviews, all members of this group who were asked declined. Breitbart News obtained a copy of the socialist paper, which claimed the protests on July 11 “involved elements that receive money and other support from the U.

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