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Michigan Weighs Overhauling Time Sex Assault Victims Have to Sue Following Nassar Scandal


“We need to empower survivors. They need to have a platform to be heard on. They need the tools to…do that,” state Representative Karen Whitsett said.
Lawmakers in Michigan are considering multiple bills dealing with sexual assault cases that could allow victims more time to sue for damages in the aftermath of the bombshell molestation scandal at the University of Michigan, the Associated Press reported. The Legislature is considering overhauling existing laws for the second time since 2018. Lawmakers enacted similar legislation after Larry Nassar was convicted of sexually abusing hundreds of female athletes under the false pretense of medical treatment, including at Michigan State University. The new measures would clear a pathway for victims of the late Dr. Robert Anderson at the University of Michigan to bring lawsuits previously barred by the statute of limitations. The immunity defense would no longer be viable if government entities knew or should have known of an accused’s prior sexual misconduct and did not intervene. For more reporting from the Associated Press, see below. Similar government immunity legislation stalled three years ago—after Michigan State agreed to a $500 million settlement for Nassar’s victims—amid pushback from universities, schools, municipalities, businesses and the Catholic Church over the financial implications of facing an unknown number of suits for old allegations.

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