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How to Migrate to the Open-Source Cadence Workflow


Following a fork in the Temporal project, developers have been looking to continue working with open source Cadence. This tutorial demonstrates that migration.
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Cadence is an open-source workflow orchestration service. It is a scalable, fault-tolerant, and developer-focused platform that centralizes business logic and allows you to build complex workflows that integrate with your distributed service architecture.
Developers face steep difficulty in building modern high-scale distributed applications, which require them to wrangle long-running business processes, internal services, and third-party APIs to make them play well together. Designing those convoluted interactions forces developers to solve puzzles and carefully build numerous connections, with complex states to track, responses to asynchronous events to prepare, and communications to establish with external dependencies that often aren’t as reliable as hoped. 
Developers normally answer these challenges by meeting complexity with complexity, putting together sprawling systems that rig up stateless services, databases, retry algorithms, and job scheduling queues to ensure the application can deliver its functionality. However, that monstrous complexity creates major issues when something goes wrong. Depending on unreliable distributed components is a recipe for availability issues. The business logic of these systems is buried under their own tremendous complexity, making remediation of those issues all the more difficult and time-consuming. From a productivity perspective, developers must often turn their focus to keeping these elaborate systems in operation, killing momentum on any other forward-looking projects. 
Solutions like Cadence and Temporal exist to eliminate those hardships. Available as free and open-source software, these solutions abstract away the difficult complexity of creating high-scale distributed applications by storing the full application state in virtual memory, and catching up and replaying any interrupted workflows via that stored state. 
In 2016, the Temporal project was forked from Cadence and is being maintained by some ex-Cadence developers. Since then, Temporal announced that they have ceased supporting the Cadence project.

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