Home United States USA — Sport Why Democrats have a good chance of winning the Mar-a-Lago midterms

Why Democrats have a good chance of winning the Mar-a-Lago midterms


To quote the esteemed American philosopher, Yogi Berra, “it’s deja vu all over again” in the wake of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago as former President Donald Trump once again has single-handedly hijacked the nation’s attention. 
Following the January 6th hearings, the federal-judge-approved search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents, and the guilty plea of Trump Organization’s CFO Allen Weisselberg, the 45th president of the United States is once again back in the spotlight, raising money, and consuming all the political and media oxygen available. 
A few months ago, Washington’s favorite parlor game focused on guessing just how massive the red wave would be in November, wiping out Democratic control of the House and Senate. 
Rising stars on the right were making trips to the all-important states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and writing books with dreams of occupying the Oval Office. With President Biden’s job approval numbers underwater, gas prices increasing daily, and supply chain issues affecting everyday Americans, many Democrats were rightly worried about what we might wake up to on Wednesday, November 9th. 
Now, inflation has ebbed, prices at the pump have declined for two straight months, and last month’s job creation numbers, totaling more than half a million, took everyone in Washington by surprise. And instead of a strong bench of Republicans articulating a vision for the future, we are yet again only talking about Donald Trump. 
All of these factors, coupled with a series of big legislative wins for veterans health care, the CHIPs Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act provide a stark contrast for President Biden and the united Democratic Party compared with the scenes playing out on the Republican side of the aisle.

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