Home United States USA — IT Why Astronomers Are Worried About Starlink And Other Satellite Constellations – SlashGear

Why Astronomers Are Worried About Starlink And Other Satellite Constellations – SlashGear


Starlink and other planned services like it will revolutionize internet access in rural areas, but the satellites are a problem for astronomers.
SpaceX’s Starlink is an ambitious project to provide global broadband internet access, even to rural and remote areas that aren’t currently well served (or served at all) by traditional broadband providers. To do that, it uses a network of satellites located in low-Earth orbit, which is currently thousands strong and is projected to rise up to 12,000 satellites over the next few years (via Space). Starlink is already operating in a number of countries and has even been used to provide internet in emergency situations, such as in Ukraine following the Russian invasion there. However, not everyone is pleased by the idea of satellites providing global internet — and astronomers, in particular, are worried.
The issue is the use of many satellites working together in what is called a satellite constellation. SpaceX is just one company working on this concept, and Starlink will be joined by other constellations such as those from OneWeb, Boeing, and Amazon.

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