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A Complete Guide to AngularJS Testing


A detailed guide to AngularJS testing that covers what Angular is, the difference between Angular and AngularJS, top features, benefits, testing methodologies, and components.
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AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript framework. Many organizations use this framework to build their front-end single-page applications easily and quickly. With AngularJS, you can create reusable code to reduce code duplication and easily add new features.
According to the stats, 4,126,784 websites are AngularJS customers. As AngularJS has gained popularity in the web development community, its testing frameworks have had to grow along with it. Currently, the most popular framework for unit testing Angular applications is Jasmine, and several others are gaining traction.
In this article on AngularJS testing, let’s understand the difference between Angular and AngularJS, top features, benefits, testing methodologies, and components. However, before we get into details, let us first understand the basics of AngularJS.
AngularJS is a robust JavaScript framework for building complex, single-page web applications. It’s based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, and it uses dependency injection to make your code more modular and testable. AngularJS emphasizes cleanliness and readability; its syntax is lightweight, consistent, and simple to read. The framework also allows you to separate presentation from business logic easily — it’s ideal for small and large projects with complex client requirements.
AngularJS has been used in production by several large companies, such as Google and Microsoft, as well as other organizations like NASA. It was created by Google employee Misko Hevery, who still maintains the development of the framework. And it’s open-source software released under a BSD license, so it’s free to use commercially.
There are different versions of AngularJS available in the market. The first Angular version 1.0 was released in 2010 by Google. Angular 2.0 was released in September 2016. Angular 4.0 and 5.0 versions were released in March 2017 and November 2017, respectively. Google provides all the necessary support to this framework, and with a broad developer community, the features and functionalities are always up to date. Let’s now understand the importance of AngularJS.
The following are the main justifications for choosing AngularJS as your go-to framework:
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that has quickly gained popularity because of its powerful features. The framework is being majorly used for building client-side web applications. It is designed to make the development process easier, faster, and more efficient. The framework accomplishes this by providing two-way data binding, dependency injection, a modular architecture, and much more.
Let’s look at some of the top features of AngularJS:
MVC is a popular architecture with three main components:
It is about splitting your application into three components and performing the coding requirements. This is done in AngularJS, where we can effectively manage our coding with less time and effort.
There is a complete synchronization of the model and view layers. This means that any change in data for the model layer automatically brings the changes in the view layer and vice versa.

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