Home United States USA — Japan Santa Ono formally installed as University of Michigan's 15th president

Santa Ono formally installed as University of Michigan's 15th president


Ono started at the university on Oct. 14, 2022. Tuesday marked his formal installation as the 15th president.
As he was formally installed Tuesday as the 15th president of the University of Michigan, Santa Ono called on his campus community to continue pushing for solutions to the world’s greatest problems.
He noted climate change, the pandemic and racism as among the areas that needed attention but said U-M is up to the task.
“We are showing that collaboration and partnership are a better solution than anger and conflict,” he said, talking about efforts through the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy to make the world better.
He noted U-M has a strong legacy to live up to.
“Today, we are proudly a public university, still aspiring to be welcoming to all, inclusive of all, exceptional for all.
“Let us transform our excellence into action and impact. Let us create a brighter, stronger and more vibrant university — one better prepared and positioned to educate tomorrow’s leaders who are our students today. Let us build that university together.”
Recounting several instances where previous U-M presidents took bold steps, Ono said he will push U-M to grow.
“I’m convinced that the brightest days for the University of Michigan lie ahead,” he said. “This is our moment to dream bold dreams.

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