Home United States USA — Events Nolte: Disgraced Washington Post Loses Publisher Fred Ryan

Nolte: Disgraced Washington Post Loses Publisher Fred Ryan


After failing for a full decade, publisher and chief executive Fred Ryan announced Monday he is leaving the financially embattled and disgraced .
Then, as if to prove the left corrupts absolutely everything, the 68-year-old Ryan informed Post staffers he is moving on to lead the Center on Public Civility at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.
Yes, that’s right… The guy whose left-wing rag spent a decade smearing us as racists and Nazis will soon be in charge of Something-Something Public Civility at the Reagan Presidential Foundation.
What’s next? Eva Braun in charge of the Anti-Defamation League?
“Today, the decline in civility has become a toxic and corrosive force that threatens our social interactions and weakens the underpinnings of our democracy,” wrote the same guy who spent seven of his ten years at the Post lying about former President Trump colluding with Russia.

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