Home United States USA — Events 9/11 was 22 years ago. And we're still holding funerals.

9/11 was 22 years ago. And we're still holding funerals.


It’s now believed that more people have died from 9/11-related illnesses than were killed on the day of the attack as the death toll continues to rise 22 years later.
Even now, 22 years later, the death toll from the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, continues to climb. Even this long after the last embers were extinguished and the acrid smoke of three crash sites settled on now-sacred soil, the dying goes on. First responders continue to succumb to certain cancers and respiratory ailments connected to their heroism on that day and connected to their work in the weeks and months after the horror. Every one of these fresh victims, many falling after years of fierce battles with illness, leaves friends and family who also become victims of that deadly day, the day that hasn’t stopped killing.
On Aug. 4, retired FBI Special Agent Jack Hess passed away from cancer. Twenty-two years ago, Hess was supervisor at the FBI’s Washington field office. That day, he responded to the Pentagon, where American Airlines Flight 77 had plummeted from a cerulean sky and left a toxic hellscape of burning jet fuel, smoldering ruins and human remains. FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered remarks at Hess’ funeral to a gathering of family, friends and colleagues and correctly described Jack as a warm, caring leader.
Wray said of Jack: “Wherever he went, he left that place — and the people there — better than he found it. That adds up to something pretty profound. And I can’t think of a greater tribute to a life well-lived.” Wray noted that after the terrorist attacks, Jack “for the next eight years — the rest of his career — he served in critical roles helping determine how the FBI would reshape itself in response to 9/11.”
Thanks to people like Jack Hess, the FBI did transform for the better after 9/11, but 9/11 continues to shatter the lives of FBI families.

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