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Why Trump’s rally mattered more than the GOP debate in Miami


I have been flipping back and forth between the glitzy but pointless GOP debate in Miami and Donald Trump’s rally in nearby Hialeah
Do you believe in coincidences? I used to. But like Macbeth I have just “supped full with horror.” That is, I have been flipping back and forth between the glitzy but pointless Republican debate in Miami and Donald Trump’s rally in nearby Hialeah, Florida. 
And here’s Exhibit One in my brief against coincidences: my office reading group is just now, as I write, reading Dante’s Inferno. Yes, could there be any more apposite reading? 
I am going to take a page here from that priest W. H. Auden talked about who advised the people who came to him for confession to “be brief, be blunt, and be gone.” An admirable imperative which I intend to obey.
It was pleasantly (mostly) surreal flicking back and forth between the tidy, well-laundered and well-pressed debate and the raucous free-for-all that was the Trump rally. The 10- or 15,000 strong crowd there was prepped and pumped up by Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who endorsed her old boss tonight. “USA, USA, USA” — the crowd was young, enthusiastic, unruly. 
Over in Miami, it was a different scene. I doubt there was 1,000 people there. Like a middle chapter in an Agatha Christie mystery, the crew on stage had been whittled down.

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