Home United States USA — Financial Drip, Drip. More Payments from Hunter Biden to The Big Guy

Drip, Drip. More Payments from Hunter Biden to The Big Guy


Well, it’s a day ending in a “Y” so that must mean that the House Oversight Committee has come up with more bank records showing payments going from Hunter Biden’s shady networ.
Well, it’s a day ending in a “Y” so that must mean that the House Oversight Committee has come up with more bank records showing payments going from Hunter Biden’s shady network of overseas business partners and shell companies to The Big Guy. And this time there didn’t appear to be any diversionary efforts made to pretend they were “loan repayments” and the money didn’t pass through other family members first. Hunter’s company Owasco PC, which received huge amounts of money from China, set up a recurring monthly payment with checks going directly to Joe Biden. These payments were taking place in 2018 for an as-yet-unknown period of time. So remind us again how you never even spoke to your son or your brother (“or anyone, for that matter”) about their overseas business dealings. This seems to be pretty blatant and the House GOP has the receipts to back it up… literally.  (NY Post)
President Biden received a recurring payment of $1,380 from his son Hunter’s law firm beginning in late 2018 shortly after a bank money laundering officer warned that the same account was receiving millions of dollars in Chinese government-linked funds without “any services rendered.”
A bank order shows that Owasco PC set up a “monthly” transfer to then-former Vice President Joseph R.

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