Home United States USA — Sport Oof. Team Nikki Is Lowering Expectations for New Hampshire.

Oof. Team Nikki Is Lowering Expectations for New Hampshire.


After coming in third place in the Iowa caucuses, Nikki Haley needs a solid victory in New Hampshire. For weeks, Haley’s top surrogate in the Granite State, Gov. Chris Sununu, has been predicting victory.
“If everyone that could vote in the primary comes out and votes, not only — she’s going to win in a landslide,” Sununu told ABC’s Jonathan Karl back in December. “And that’s not an exaggeration. So, you’re going to see a record—”
“He’s setting a bar for you there,” Karl said to Haley, who was also part of the interview. “An expectation.”
“No, it’s not an expectation,” Sununu insisted.
“He knows his state better than I do,” Haley pointed out.
“It’s not an expectation,” Sununa said again. “It’s people getting excited.”
“It’s exciting. We can feel it on the ground. We’re going to do this,” Haley concluded.
A couple of weeks later, Sununu told CNN’s Dana Bash that if Chris Christie dropped out — which he now has — then “Nikki Haley can make up five or 10 points and kind of give Trump that defeat that no one thought was possible in the next few weeks.”
He added, “And I think that’s very likely to happen.

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