Home United States USA — Music Gina Torres stars in Disney Jr. 's new, music-filled animated series 'Kindergarten:...

Gina Torres stars in Disney Jr. 's new, music-filled animated series 'Kindergarten: The Musical'


Gina Torres stars as kindergarten teacher Ms. Moreno, in “Kindergarten: The Musical,” where song and dance help kids navigate the start of school.
“Kindergarten: The Musical” brings fantastical Broadway-style song and dance numbers to your screens
Gina Torres stars as kindergarten teacher Ms. Moreno, in “Kindergarten: The Musical”, where song and dance help kids navigate the start of school.
Gina Torres stars as kindergarten teacher Ms. Moreno, in “Kindergarten: The Musical”, where song and dance help kids navigate the start of school.
Gina Torres stars as kindergarten teacher Ms. Moreno, in “Kindergarten: The Musical”, where song and dance help kids navigate the start of school.
Gina Torres stars as kindergarten teacher Ms.

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