Home United States USA — Financial Kamala Harris's Fingerprints Are All Over the Cost of Living Crisis

Kamala Harris's Fingerprints Are All Over the Cost of Living Crisis


Kamala Harris is running as fast as she can away from admitting that there’s a cost of living crisis. She tried to paper over the crisis last Friday when she gave us a stick-figure overview of her “economic plan.” No word on how to deal with the crisis. That might have revealed how mu she was to blame for the crisis.
Instead, she solemnly told us that groceries were so high because of “price gouging” by big companies. She can’t prove it. But it’s easy to prove her wrong.
Prices paid by businesses (as measured by the producer price index) have risen 19.4 percent under the Biden-Harris administration. That’s precisely the same increase as occurred in the prices paid by consumers over this period (as measured by the consumer price index). In other words, inflation has been impacting the entire supply chain from producers to consumers.
Had producers or retailers been price gouging (that is, increasing prices more than inflation justified), the rate of inflation for consumers would have exceeded that for producers. It did not.
It’s a good trick to use misdirection to try to avoid responsibility for high prices. Ordinarily, tricks don’t work in politics because they’re relatively easy to identify and expose.
But this election is different, and tricks by Democrats will work just fine. Kamala Harris is not going to be called to account for her role in giving the American people a 19% cost of living increase in less than four years.

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