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The 10 Best Medieval Armors In Games


Considering how many games take inspiration from medieval settings, it’s no surprise that some of them have pretty accurate medieval armor.
Games have long featured historical and fantasy settings that either take place in or are inspired by the Medieval era of Europe. These games take players back to a time when feudalism was the standard, wars could be fought over minor differences, and a ruler’s word was law. While certainly not as primitive as modern day people would like to believe, it wasn’t a nice time to be alive.
Perhaps the most iconic image of the Middle Ages is that of a knight: a towering noble in gleaming armor, often seen riding to battle on horseback, or fighting some mythical beast in a fantasy setting. In that situation, most people would want that kind of protective armor, given that most of these settings show people living in a world where an infected cut means almost certain death or disability. In the world of gaming, these armor sets are some of the best Medieval-inspired pieces. 10
Warhorse Armor

The Warhorse set would realistically be the most protective set of armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, as it is the only one in the game to feature everything but a coif and hose. It’s composed of plate, but comes complete with a red and white tabard and torse, keeping the armor stylish.
The armor struggles in some respects. Its durability is poor, but it can be repaired cheaply. It’s also a very loud set, making a lot of noise when worn, meaning any thief player should steer clear. Lastly, it is a DLC armor. Players need to purchase the Treasures Of The Past expansion to use the armor at all. 9
Ursine Armor

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an excellent RPG. For players who want a tankier Geralt, the Ursine Armor set is an extremely heavy mix of leather, mail, and plate. The armor can be obtained and upgraded through treasure hunts, with the final grandmaster tier being available during the Blood & Wine expansion.
The armor is perfect for witchers, with the hauberk and coattails protecting the legs while still providing maneuverability. The added cloth and leather protections help to soften blows that might crumple normal armor, while the chainmail and plate protect against even the sharpest of stabbing weapons. 8
Black Prior

The Black Priors were introduced to For Honor as a true sword-and-board hero trope, but without the archetypically noble feel. The Black Priors are knights who once fought for the Warlord Apollyon.

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