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Professors and Students Plan Trips to Attend Anti-Trump Women’s March on Washington


According to an organizer, the demonstration was planned to send a message to Donald Trump during inauguration weekend. A Facebook page for the march was published just hours after Trump officially won the presidential election in the early hours of November 9.
“We’re doing it his very first day in office because we are making a statement,” organizer Breanne Butler said in an interview days after the election. Of the marginalized groups she accused Mr. Trump of attacking during his campaign, she said, “We are here and we are watching. And, like, ‘Welcome to the White House.’”
Organizers claim that as many as 200,000 people may participate in the march, many of which will be university-affiliated persons. Many university professors and their students from around the country have been raising money so that they can attend the march on January 21. Others have been organizing sister marches that will take place in various cities around the country.
The College Fix reports Denison University, a private institution in Ohio, is sponsoring a bus trip to the march via the school’s women and gender studies program.
“We don’t want participation in these experiences to be available only to those who are sufficiently privileged that they can find a way to make the 400-mile trip to our nation’s capital and back,” said Dr. Gill Wright Miller, director of the Women & Gender Studies program.
Other universities have chosen to crowdsource the funding for their students to attend the march. Students at the University of Southern Maine have raised nearly $2,000 on GoFundMe to send a group of students to Washington D. C. on January 21.
“There is a lot at stake right now during the Trump administration, and this is a historical event that we do not want to miss out on,” organizers at USM state . “The funds that are being raised will be going to bus transportation for about fifty USM students and faculty that are looking to travel to D. C.”
“My aim in organizing this march,” Germain stated , “is to peacefully show our new administration that we stand together in solidarity with our families and friends for the protection of our rights, safety, and health.”
Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about social justice and libertarian issues for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com

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