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World Leaders React to Inauguration of Donald Trump


NewsHubDonald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States at the Capitol today, and leaders from around the world offered well wishes and congratulations to America’s new commander in chief.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted his congratulations to his „friend. „
Congrats to my friend President Trump. Look fwd to working closely with you to make the alliance between Israel&USA stronger than ever????????
The head of the U. K. Independence Party and leader of the Brexit movement, Nigel Farage, had kind words for Trump’s inaugural address, tweeting, „A very strong speech by @POTUS. He means it. „
A very strong speech by @POTUS. He means it.
U. K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson offered his congratulations in the form of a tweet.
„Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump @POTUS on his presidential inauguration day. Look forward to continuing strong UK – US bond,“ Johnson tweeted.
However, not everyone was in a congratulatory mood.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox took to Twitter to criticize Trump.
„Speaking of allegiance, Trump? Speaking of greatness? Speaking of success? America was already great and succesful [sic], then you happened! “ Fox tweeted.
Speaking of allegiance, Trump? Speaking of greatness? Speaking of success? America was already great and succesful, then you happened!
Fox, who criticized Trump on Twitter before, tweeted , „Let America build bridges and railways in their land. The World will continue to go on building bridges and much more all over the globe. „
The Mexico’s current President Enrique Peña Nieto took to Twitter to congratulate Trump.
„I congratulate President @realDonaldTrump on taking office. We will work to strengthen our relationship with shared responsibility,“ Peña Nieto tweeted in Spanish.
Pope Francis sent Trump a message of „cordial good wishes“ on his inauguration.
„I pray that your decisions will be guided by the rich spiritual and ethical values that have shaped the history of the American people and your nation’s commitment to the advancement of human dignity and freedom worldwide,“ Francis wrote.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued a statement extending his „heartfelt congratulations“ to Trump on taking office.
„Please accept my best wishes for your great success, as well as for health and happiness of you and your family,“ the statement said.
He added that he’s looking forward to meeting with Trump „at the earliest possible occasion. „
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also offered his congratulations to Trump in a statement.
„We look forward to working with President Trump, the U. S. administration, the 115th Congress and officials at the state and local levels to restore prosperity to the middle class on both sides of the border and to create a safer and more peaceful world,“ Trudeau said.
Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India, sent his best wishes to Trump on Twitter.
„Best wishes in leading USA to greater achievements in the coming years,“ he wrote.
Congratulations @realDonaldTrump on assuming office as US President. Best wishes in leading USA to greater achievements in the coming years.

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