Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked congressional leaders to undo the federal medical marijuana protections that were put in place in 2014, after a few states legalizing recreational usage, The…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked congressional leaders to undo the federal medical marijuana protections that were put in place in 2014, after a few states legalizing recreational usage, The Cannabist reported.
The protection is called Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which prohibits the government from using federal funds to prevent individual states from implementing their own laws about the use and possession of medical marijuana.
“I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund particular prosecutions, particularly in the midst of a historic drug epidemic and the potentially long-term uptick in violent crime, ” Jeff Sessions explained.
Sessions believes that medical and recreational marijuana has caused an increase in America’s drug epidemic. The attorney general claims that if they “crack down” on marijuana laws, they may not be able to control substance abuse in America.
The problem with Jeff’s claims is, none of it is true. He argued that marijuana was responsible for a drug epidemic, but it isn’ t. The drug that is the biggest problem in America is opiates. We are in the middle of a horrific opiate addiction epidemic, and what’s worse, no one seems to know what to do about it.
According to a research study, drug abuse is less common in states where medical marijuana is readily available. In fact, the study found that those states had a decrease in opiate addiction and drug-related deaths. If Sessions is successful in cracking down on medical marijuana laws, it could increase opiate addiction in America.
The Rohrabacher-Farr amendment has the support of most of the Republican and Democratic politicians. Estimated three-quarters of the country support the legalization of marijuana (both medical and recreational) . In fact, not many Americans support cracking down on Medical marijuana laws.
During President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign trail last year, he said would keep the current medical marijuana laws, which allows the individual states to decide their cannabis policy.
Sessions’ letter and plea to the congressional leaders has many people confused about his and the president’s intentions. Does Trump plan to crack down on medical marijuana providers even though he promised his voters last year he wouldn’ t?
Several months ago, Session said that using marijuana was “ only slightly better than using Heroin.” It was a comment that showed America that he believes that marijuana is dangerous and threatens our country.
Do you think Sessions will get permission to prosecute medical marijuana providers?
[Featured Image by Win McNamee/Getty Images]