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WATCH: Water Cannons Blast G20 Protesters Starting Fires in the Streets of Hamburg, Germany


G20 protesters have started fires in the German city of Hamburg to demonstrate against the meeting of world leaders.
G20 protesters have started bonfires throughout the downtown area of Hamburg, Germany to fight for political change as world leaders meet at the G20 Summit. Riot police have now been forced to use water cannons to clear the streets of protesters, but also to put out the fires that the protesters have started.
Heavy is on the scene in the video above, as police and protesters clash.
Anti-fascist and anti-capitalist protesters took to the streets of Hamburg and have been starting bonfires in the middle of the streets since early evening on Friday. Police have spread throughout the city as the G20 summit has brought groups of protesters trying to disturb discussions inside the summit between world leaders discussing trade, climate change, migration, and other international issues.
German police are trying to block groups of protesters who have been rioting outside of the summit in an area called “the red zone” all day on Friday. These protests are to promote political change as leaders from around the world like President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met on Friday to talk about how to handle issues in Syria and Ukraine, along with other subjects.
Further outside of the red zone water cannons were set off during the day on Friday against protesters who were ready to face the wet police storm with umbrellas and different rain gear after police took the same actions with protesters on Thursday.
Protesters early Friday morning tried to disrupt the Trump family and other spouses of those attending the G20 Summit by protesting outside of their temporary residences, and were later not able to attend afternoon events because of the disturbance.
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