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Samaritan's Purse Showing the Power of God's Love to Hurricane Victims.


Samaritan’s Purse is being the hands and feet of Christ in Texas after Hurricane Harvey.
When Hurricane Harvey swept through Texas, it opened up a big opportunity for believers to show the love of God in a powerful way.
Franklin Graham’s organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is joining other humanitarian efforts on the ground and helping people rebuild their lives.
« When confronted with a need, Jesus took action. He told us to be like the Good Samaritan and ‘Go and do likewise. Will you? » He said in a Facebook post.
Well, many people answered that call and went where the Hurricane hit the hardest.
We have volunteers out, they’re chain-sawing, they’re cutting trees down, they’re moving limbs and debris from the road,  » Samaritan’s Purse assistant program manager Debrew Cooper told CBN News. « Hopefully as soon as power is restored to these areas they’ll be able to get back to a more normal life. »
Cooper says they’re doing more than helping people physically, but spiritually too. She told the story of one hurricane victim who was overcome with emotion.
« When I first walked up to the home the lady broke down in tears crying because of how overwhelming it was. We were able in that moment to stop and pray with her and see a tangible aspect of God’s love,  » Cooper said. « We cleaned up her home and she’s got a smile on her face now. »
The volunteers are even leaving behind a gift for every house they come across.
« Before we leave we present a Bible with each homeowner and leave an encouraging note with a Bible verse in there,  » Cooper says.
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