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Thousands rescued in Houston amid catastrophic flooding Video


The storm forced Houston residents into canoes and rafts and onto the roofs of homes to plead for help as more than 50 inches of rain was predicted in some areas.
You are looking live now at Houston, Texas, that is a neighborhood of meyerland. Entire neighbors under water as you can see. The rain still coming down. That’s drone footage of the city as well right now. The rain is coming down. Houses just about submerged. We have never seen anything like this. Incredible all the video and images coming in and, of course, Harvey is still wreaking havoc on the fourth largest city in America and as beef been saying it is far from over. Much more rain to come. More than 2,000 rescues. Take a look at this video from overnight. That man just holding on to his car waiting to be rescued as the current threatens to keep him away. More rescues still going on right now. We’ll talk to the police chief about that in a moment. Take a look at some of these before and after images, truly St stunning. This is the interstate before Harvey and just a few hours later look at that. The rising water almost all the way up to that sign and then take a look at the runway at hobby airport before and now it is completely under water. So much cleanup to come. Here’s what we know right now at least five deaths have been blamed on the storm. There could be up to 50 inches of rainfall in the storm zone. FEMA and the National Guard have been deployed to the scene. The governor expects to have a thousand more National Guard today. We have team coverage across the storm zone in southern Texas this morning. First let’s head straight to Tom llamas in another neighborhood in Houston with some of those remarkable rescues that have been going on. Tom, good morning. Reporter: Amy, good morning to you. This rain just will not stop and this is no doubt going to hurt the rescue effort today. There are certain and rescue teams pouring into Houston. The coast guard has 50% of its helicopter fleet right now in this city and here’s the reason why. So many neighborhoods completely flooded. These transformers right here swamped so no electricity and the deeper you go, the darker it gets unless you’re on a boat or helicopter, you’re not getting out. This morning, Houston families trying to stay above water. So many piling into canoes. Rafts and rescue baskets. Standing on roofs waving, yelling. Anything to escape the relentless rain and rising water. Producer Joe completion from KTRK broadcasting live as the water inside his home grew from a few puddles to several feet of sludge. When it started coming in, it was just — it was just, you know, a couple of puddles here and then it got to be more and then more and then we just said, you know what, let’s just get safe. Reporter: This traffic cam capturing rescuers pulling up alongside a sinking truck. The driver gripping onto the side desperately trying to hold on. They carry him to safety. The national weather service predicting some areas here will see 50 inches of rain. And another danger in the sky, the threat of tornadoes. Among those most at risk, the elderly. This heartbreaking image of a group of senior citizens trapped in an assisted living facility. The water up to their waist, some in wheelchairs. And this little girl on a ventilator trapped with no power in a flooded home. Sleeping alongside her brother on a kitchen countertop. Some older people that needed to get medical attention and trying to convince them the best thing to get them out. Reporter: That’s George Jackson. He and his brother Alex are now part of Houston’s citizen Navy. They showed us how they’re taking it upon themselves to rescue neighbors. Some of the areas we can’t see if it’s a foot or ten feet. Reporter: The road in their neighborhood now canals. Look at that car. It’s almost completely underwater. Look at these waves as they’re coming in. We told them about a woman we heard was trapped. All we had was her name. Yvette and a possible address. But that’s all they needed. There are six people. There’s like multiple dogs and cats. Reporter: The home completely under water. There’s definitely more than two feet in the house. Maybe three feet. The homeowner emotional at the sign of help. I’m going to start crying. It’s all right. I see your house. I know. We’re fine of we’re okay. We’re just really ready to get out. Reporter: Then Yvette who had put out her sos on social media emerged. Hi, how are you? Tom llamas from ABC news. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Both women telling us how quickly it started building. It came at 5: 30. Before you know it. It’s a foot then two feet and it just — it vessels a house like you cannot imagine. Reporter: Outside they head for the boats with their dogs, cats, even birds. And meet the men who just saved them all. Jackson brother, hello, thank you very much. How many people have you rescued today? A lot. Reporter: The Jackson brothers have made more than 30 rescues saving around 100 people so far and they tell us they’re just getting started. Thank you. Reporter: The Jackson brothers are some real heroes, all those families got out safely. As for those senior citizens they were rescued by helicopter and as for that little girl who was on the ventilator she also was rescued by helicopter. She and her family and, George, get this, her name is miracle. Back to you. That is very apt. Tom, thanks very much.
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