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An early sign that Charlie Rose had a problem with women?


A interview years ago with Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson, in which Charlie Rose barely talked to Anderson, may have hinted what was to come.
To the editor: While I’m devastated to learn that Charlie Rose has been named as a sexual harasser, I’m not as surprised as I’d like to be. (“ Charlie Rose fired by CBS, and PBS drops his talk show over sexual harassment allegations,” Nov. 21)
Years ago, he did an interview with two of the most interesting people on Earth, Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson, husband and wife, icons in music. The lengthy conversation barely included Anderson. It was two men talking while the far more innovative and groundbreaking artist sat with her dog on her lap, rarely even getting eye contact from the host.
I was seriously annoyed at this example of sexism and thought it also a waste of an opportunity to hear how they supported each other as musicians and artists. This was rare for such a skilled interviewer, but I never forgot it.
Rose is a brilliant journalist whose work I have enjoyed for decades. I’m scalded that he is being reported on as a perpetrator.
Judith Martin-Straw, Culver City
To the editor: Ann Friedman address an important issue: Women of color, lower socioeconomic status, those who are transgender or those with limited resources do not have the luxury to expose themselves at their most vulnerable moments without the resources, power and security of women in Hollywood, politics or journalism. (“ What about the sexual harassment stories we’re not hearing? ” Opinion, Nov. 14)
Sex role socialization is now becoming a concept that plagues mostly those who cannot stand up for themselves and must keep quiet in order to maintain financial or personal security. The enraged public fails to see that harassment and assault happen every day to women who do not feel safe enough to voice what is happening to them.
Perhaps women in Hollywood, white women and financially secure women can state they stand with those who do not have a voice. Perhaps these women can be their voice.
Nathalie Torres, Riverside
To the editor: I think we can all agree that the problem of sexual harassment has reached a tipping point. Unfortunately, there is no unifying force or high-profile leader to keep the prevention of sexual harassment on the policy forefront.
There are a multitude of foundations that champion human rights, but they have broad missions and diverse constituencies. Why hasn’t someone created a major nonprofit foundation or legal defense fund expressly for victims of sexual harassment and the development of prevention policies?
Imagine the corporations and individuals that would donate.
Shauna Clark, Pasadena
To the editor: The “me too” declaration by the multitude of female sexual harassment victims is not confined to females.
Seeing what happened to Harvey Weinstein and all of the others revealed to have lengthy histories of sexual assault or harassment, many men must be muttering to themselves, “Oh, my God, it will happen to me too.”
Michael Gesas, Beverly Hills
To the editor: I do not expect any man to be above temptation, but to have the strength of character to resist.
Patricia Freter, Yucca Valley
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