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Trump and Xi begin talks after lavish welcome in China


The leaders of the two global superpowers are expected to discuss North Korea and the trade deficit.
US President Donald Trump has begun talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing, following his lavish welcome to the Chinese capital.
Mr Trump is expected to raise how China can rein in North Korea’s nuclear aims, an issue dominating his Asia tour.
The US wants China, Pyongyang’s main ally, to apply further pressure, but Beijing says it is doing enough.
The leaders of the world’s two largest economies are also expected to discuss their trade deficit.
Earlier in the five-nation trip, Mr Trump urged North Korea to make a deal to end its nuclear weapons programme, while also warning it against further provocation against the US and the world, saying: “Do not try us.”
He also urged China to sever ties with Pyongyang and reiterated calls for Beijing to ramp up pressure.

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