Google Assistant was introduced some time last year when the company launched its first ever Pixel smartphone line up. Fast forward till the end of 2017, and we have Google Assistant running on numerous Android devices, but only limited to the more current handsets and flagships. While Google is still managing the chaotic Android fragmentation,…
Google Assistant was introduced some time last year when the company launched its first ever Pixel smartphone line up. Fast forward till the end of 2017, and we have Google Assistant running on numerous Android devices, but only limited to the more current handsets and flagships. While Google is still managing the chaotic Android fragmentation, it will bring Assistant to smartphones with older aging software.
Earlier this year, phones operating Android Marshmallow have gotten their piece of Google Assistant. Google will be extending the privilege to smartphones running software as old as Android Lollipop, according to an announcement on its blog. This would mean that Android Lollipop smartphone users will soon be able to trigger Assistant via a long press of the Home button on their devices.
Not only that, Android tablets will be getting Assistant too. With Assistant, users can have a more automated experience with their Android tablets, being able to control smart home devices and setting reminders are a few of the handy features that can be handled by Google Assistant. However, the roll out will be limited to tablets running Android Marshmallow or later.
Google Assistant for Android Lollipop smartphones have begun rolling out, while the roll out for tablets will commence next week.