Home United States USA — Financial Save Big On Valentine’s Day Bouquets With Teleflora

Save Big On Valentine’s Day Bouquets With Teleflora


Get a special bouquet $20, or 50 percent off its original price
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it is smart to think about what you want to get the loved one in your life. If you are stressing over what to get your valentine and believe lavish presents always need to break the bank — well, you should think again! With the Teleflora Valentine’s Day Special, you can gift your sweetheart a beautiful bouquet of flowers no matter if it is being sent down the street or across the country.
Teleflora offers gorgeous, hand-arranged bouquets and fast, reliable delivery by local florists located in the US and Canada. Meaning, you’ve got a vast selection of delicately crafted bouquets to choose from, and you can rest easy knowing your flowers will reach your loved one on time. Plus, because a local florist handcrafts every order and delivers them in a vase, the flowers are ready to be enjoyed immediately.
Teleflora Valentine’s Day Special on sale for $20
Even better, purchasing a special Valentine’s Day bouquet of flowers earns you $40 credit with Teleflora, which proves helpful when you want to surprise your loved one with flowers again. And purchasing holiday bouquets — or floral baskets, gourmet food baskets, and centerpieces — through Teleflora also helps support local businesses and strengthens communities.
Buy a Teleflora Valentine’s Day Special bouquet for $20, 50 percent off its original price, in The Daily Caller Shop.

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