Home GRASP GRASP/Korea Trump touts administration's accomplishments, talks about North Korea in Cabinet meeting

Trump touts administration's accomplishments, talks about North Korea in Cabinet meeting


He also talked about his meeting Tuesday with lawmakers about immigration, and he said he wanted to revisit libel laws
President Trump spent much of his first official Cabinet meeting of 2018 touting his administration’s “tremendous” achievements in 2017. He claimed that “no administration has done what we’ve done or accomplished in its first year.”
Mr Trump highlighted his administration’s efforts including overhauling the nation’s tax code which he said was the  “largest tax cut and reform in American history.”
The Cabinet meeting came a day after he allowed cameras to document nearly an hour of talks with Republican and Democratic lawmakers over immigration reform, a moment Mr. Trump referred to as a “good performance” on his part.
“I consider it work. It got great reviews by everybody other than two networks,” he added in a jab at the media present in the Cabinet room.
The president reiterated on Wednesday that “we want to see something with DACA.”
But the White House was dealt a blow when a federal judge Tuesday night  temporarily blocked the administration’s decision to end DACA. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the president is “committed to the rule of law and will work with members of both parties to reach a permanent solution that corrects the unconstitutional actions taken by the last administration.

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