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Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars will come to PC in September


A PC version of Zone the Enders: The 2nd Runner, a third-person hack-and-slash shooter originally released for the PS2 in 2003, was announced last year as Zone the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars—or M∀RS, as it’s more technically called. It was at the time expected to be out in the spring of this year, but it’s going to take a bit longer than that: Konami
A PC version of Zone the Enders: The 2nd Runner, a third-person hack-and-slash shooter originally released for the PS2 in 2003, was announced last year as Zone the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars —or M∀RS, as it’s more technically called. It was at the time expected to be out in the spring of this year, but it’s going to take a bit longer than that: Konami dropped a 4K graphics trailer today that finishes with word of a new release window of September.
The video puts the spotlight on the 4K graphics of this version by comparing them side-by-side with the original release and, in some cases, the HD version that was put out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It’s a dramatic improvement—unsurprising, I suppose, given the amount of time that’s passed between then and now, but still nice to have confirmed.
A specific release date hasn’t been set, but Konami confirmed in a followup tweet that the PC release of Zone the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars will also support a first-person perspective in VR. A physical edition is also coming, for fans who are into that kind of thing, and ” it looks nice.”

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