Home United States USA — IT Avengers: Infinity War beats Star Wars for box office record

Avengers: Infinity War beats Star Wars for box office record


The latest Marvel movie assembles a record-setting $250 million opening weekend in the US, besting Star Wars and Jurassic World.
After a decade of films, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still toppling foes, this time with a record-setting opening weekend for Avengers: Infinity War.
The movie crushed the weekend with a record-setting $250 million in the US — leap-frogging Star Wars: The Force Awakens ‘ previous record of $248 million .
The film opened Thursday night with an MCU record of $39 million in the US. Even after that night, studio estimates remained cautiously optimistic, predicting between $225 and $245 million for opening weekend.
Overseas, the Avengers set records as well with a second-best-ever foreign total of $380 million. That puts our heroes just behind last year’s The Fate of the Furious ‘ $443 million opening.
That means globally, Infinity War has made $630 million, breaking the previous record by almost $90 million.
In his CNET review, Mike Sorrentino noted that  » with so many players and planets, there’s plenty of potential for things to go awry. But the streamlined story makes the approximately 2.5-hour movie fly by. » By incorporating elements of each of the MCU movies, the filmmakers managed to focus on the big bad that is Thanos and bring some heart to the film in a way that truly succeeds.
Following Black Panther’s record-setting run, Avengers: Infinity War has been racking up its own as well. On Friday it became the first comic book movie to pass $100 million on opening day ($106M), putting it behind only Force Awakens ($119M).
And in India, the Marvel movie has become the highest-grossing Hollywood film in the country. It’s already that country’s third-highest grossing film for the year, and is on pace to beat other Bollywood releases for the No. 1 slot.
Three Marvel films now own spots on the list of top 10 all-time opening weekend: Infinity War, Black Panther and 2012’s The Avengers .
For more on the latest Avengers outing, check out our spoiler-free review, our crowdsourced review and what you need to know about that post-credits scene .

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