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Overwatch Developer Update Titles New Event


Overwatch has been teasing players about a new Uprising Event for a couple days and Jeff Kaplan has used a Developer Update to further excite players for the event.
Blizzard has been teasing players with Overwatch’s new Uprising Event for a few days but now Jeff Kaplan, Blizzard’s Vice President, has released a new Developer Update cryptically telling players some of the event’s details without giving away too much.
Check out the Developer Update below:
In this Developer Update, Kaplan is joined by Tim Ford, Blizzard’s lead software engineer, to give players some details about Overwatch’s upcoming event. The duo explain to players that this event is going to be very similar to last year’s Uprising Event, but is now titled Overwatch Archives. Players will still be able to enjoy both modes Uprising has to offer
This may all sound familiar to players who enjoyed last year’s Uprising Event, but Overwatch Archives has some new additions to offer players to keep the event interesting. Jeff Kaplan explains that the new title of the event comes from the fact that there are “a lot of cool moments in Overwatch history” and “by going into the archives [players] can relive those moments.” In saying this, Kaplan further teases players about a new game mode, but leaves players in suspense until the event actually drops.
Kaplan also explains that the previous Uprising Event skins will be available in Overwatch Archives’ Loot Boxes, as well as some new skins. Kaplan further teases players saying that there will be a new skin for “[player’s] favorite Shimada brother.” Which brother that is up to players to speculate, but they will know soon enough as Overwatch is releasing new information about this event on Wednesday, April 4, where Blizzard will be releasing some more information about the event during an Overwatch League match, which will include a video.
The team over at Overwatch really knows how to tease players and get them excited for an event, while still updating the game as normal. Just recently, Blizzard released a new feature where players can avoid other players as teammates. This feature should be useful when Overwatch Archives and Uprising is set to unlock on April 10. There should be more teases on the way from Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch team so keep on the lookout for new information.
Overwatch is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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