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Vaping Is Becoming Prevalent But Remains Taboo In The Fashion And Celebrity Worlds


‘Everyone does it, but no one will talk about it’
Vaping is replacing smoking in celebrity and fashion circles but remains a taboo subject people are “afraid” to openly discuss.
A recent profile of Juul e-cigarettes in Vogue details the increasing ubiquity of vapor products in the fashion industry, where people are reportedly, “creating a new culture around these devices.” Alternative smoking technologies are replacing combustible cigarettes in the community and even being incorporated into runway shows and photo shoots.
While the shift away from deadly cigarettes toward harm reduction devices bodes well for the industry and individual health, vapers are extremely weary of publicly disclosing their use of the products.
“Coyness — or more commonly, an insistence on anonymity — when going on the record about vaping is something I encounter again and again, from models, designers, and fashion civilians alike,” reporter Julia Felsenthal said in the Vogue article. “‘Everyone does it, but no one will talk about it,’ agrees a prominent jewelry designer, who will speak only on the condition of not having her name in print.”
There is a rise of vaping among celebrities, most notably Leonardo DiCaprio, who regularly brings his vape to awards shows, Felsenthal also noted. Comedian Dave Chappelle’s use of the Juul device during a December 2017 Netflix special was Felsenthal’s first introduction to the product, which now represents more than 50 percent of sales in the vapor market, she mentioned.
Juul devices are light and slim, resembling the feel of a cigarette and deliver a large concentration of nicotine. The devices are solely intended for adult smokers trying to quit combustible tobacco. Judging by Juul’s explosive growth, they are proving popular with their intended audience. (RELATED: Hysteria Over Vaping Goes To New Levels As Media Calls Juuling The New Youth ‘Epidemic’)
The vaping industry continues to face an uphill regulatory battle in the U. S. that threatens the future existence of the industry, along with an endless barrage of negative media coverage largely pushing misinformation and discredited narratives.
Celebrities and other vapers in industries who hold tremendous influence on public opinion should be encouraged to share their experience transitioning off combustible cigarettes and improving their health with innovative alternative technologies.
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