Домой United States USA — Music Jake Tapper quotes Taylor Swift to report on Trump-Cohen feud

Jake Tapper quotes Taylor Swift to report on Trump-Cohen feud


CNN host Jake Tapper quoted pop star Taylor Swift on Friday while reporting on the escalating feud between President Trump and his longtime personal lawyer…
CNN host Jake Tapper quoted pop star Taylor Swift on Friday while reporting on the escalating feud between President Trump and his longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen.
“In the immortal words of Taylor Swift, ‘now we’ve got bad blood, we used to be mad love,’” Tapper said at the top of his show, “The Lead.”
Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer,” is again in the national spotlight after it was revealed last week that the FBI had seized Cohen’s secret recordings of conversations with Trump.
One tape, which CNN aired Monday night, reveals Cohen and Trump discussing arranging a payment for the rights to the story of former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006.
Cohen is under investigation in New York for a series of alleged financial crimes. Prosecutors are also looking into the $130,000 payment that he arranged for adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who also alleges having an affair with Trump.
Cohen’s recent statements, coupled with the FBI raid of his office and hotel room in April, have led many to wonder if the lawyer is preparing to cooperate with prosecutors against his former client as a way to alleviate pressure on himself.
Trump and his current legal team previously defended Cohen as a “good person” and expressed confidence that he would not “flip” on the president, but have since changed their narrative.
Trump has railed against Cohen for the recording, and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani referred to Cohen as a “pathological liar.”
Cohen has also reportedly claimed that Trump knew in advance of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials, including his son, Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.

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