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John Brennan WIlling To Take Legal Action To Prevent Trump From Revoking Clearances


In yet another TV appearance, Brennan indicated that he would be willing to go to court in order to prevent Trump from revoking clearances. Not…
In yet another TV appearance, Brennan indicated that he would be willing to go to court in order to prevent Trump from revoking clearances. Not too long ago, Brennan was viciously criticized by the media, called out for his stances on torture, drone assassination.
“I’m going to do whatever I can personally to try to prevent these abuses in the future and if it means going to court, I will do that.”
Brennan said that he discussed taking the legal route with several lawyers who told him that he could file a complaint against the White House.
“If my clearances and my reputation as I’m being pulled through the mud now, if that’s the price we’re going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this against other people, to me it’s a small price to pay.”
As the Inquisitr previously reported, after news of Trump stripping former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance hit the headlines, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated that the former CIA Director was fired over “wild outbursts on the internet and television,” and “conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary.”
Ironically, the New York Times for which Brennan recently authored an op-ed, accused then-POTUS Barack Obama of “ignoring war crimes” by nominating John Brennan for Director of CIA.
During Barack Obama’s presidency, John Brennan was considered to be “deputy president,” according to GQ, and was thought to be the mastermind behind Obama’s notorious drone program.
According to the Council on Foreign Relations, 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized – and Brennan masterminded – killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians.
In 2013, CNN wrote critically of Brennan, calling him “Obama’s drone warrior,” criticizing the then-CIA Director for architecting the program which targetedly killed an American citizen, along with his teenage son.
More recently, as The Guardian reported, Brennan praised Gina Haspel, vouching for her integrity. Gina Haspel, who is currently serving as Director of CIA, ran a black site for torture, according to The Intercept.
The metamorphosis former CIA officials go through – from “war criminal” to TV pundit and media darling – has been criticized by outlets such as Politico .
“They aren’t in the business of breaking news or uncovering secrets. Their first loyalty—and this is no slam—is to the agency from which they hail.”
According to CNN, Trump is considering revoking the clearances of James Clapper (former Director of National Intelligence), Michael Hayden (former CIA and NSA Director), Susan Rice (former National Security Adviser), James Comey (former FBI Director), Andrew McCabe (former Deputy FBI Director), Peter Strzok (former FBI agent), Lisa Page (former FBI attorney), all of whom are, or were, part of the intelligence community.
A cynic would infer that it is only a matter of time before they undergo the metamorphosis Brennan seems to be undergoing before the eyes of the American public.

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