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‘That’s Not Law:’ Trump Rages At The 9th Circuit After Another Judge Blocks His Immigration Policies


President Donald Trump lambasted the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the San Francisco based appeals court which has repeatedly stymied his top priorities,…
President Donald Trump lambasted the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the San Francisco based appeals court which has repeatedly stymied his top priorities, as he departed the White House for Mar-a-Lago Tuesday afternoon.
The comments came hours after a federal judge in California barred enforcement of the administration’s new asylum rules, which meant to deny asylum applications from illegal immigrants. The decision can be appealed to the 9th Circuit.
WATCH the president’s comments:
“I think it’s a disgrace when every case gets filed in the 9th Circuit,” the president said before departing the White House for Mar-a-Lago. “That’s not law, that’s not what this country stands for. Every case that gets filed in the 9th Circuit, we get beaten and then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court, like the travel ban, and we won.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, the president seemed to express support for various proposals to restructure the 9th Circuit, which is the largest appeals court in the country. Approximately 20 percent of all federal appeals are heard in the 9th Circuit, and its jurisdiction stretches from the Grand Canyon to the Arctic Circle in northern Alaska. (RELATED: Sotomayor Reveals How She Greeted Brett Kavanaugh After His Confirmation)
The 9th Circuit delivered a pair of blows to the administration’s immigration agenda in recent days: U. S. District Court Judge Jon Tiger issued a temporary restraining order Tuesday requiring the administration to process asylum claims for illegal aliens. The decision came as several thousand caravan migrants descended on Tijuana, Mexico, near the U. S. border.
On Nov. 8, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit upheld an injunction against Trump’s attempted termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an Obama-era amnesty initiative which extends temporary legal status to illegal aliens who entered the country as children. The 9th Circuit cautioned that DACA can still be rescinded, since the program exists at the discretion of the executive branch, but found that Trump’s basis for ending DACA in this instance was invalid.
The matter is now pending before the Supreme Court.
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