Home United States USA — IT Galaxy Fold: The internet reacts to Samsung's flexible phone

Galaxy Fold: The internet reacts to Samsung's flexible phone


The handset-maker wows with its phone-tablet hybrid, but many struggle to get over its price.
« How much!?! »
It wasn’t so long ago that the tech press got in a tizz over the first $1,000 (£766) smartphones. Now we’re being expected to stump up roughly double that for the entry-level version of Samsung’s Galaxy Fold.
Yes, the phone-tablet hybrid seems to be a modern-day engineering marvel – although it is a bit concerning that neither the media nor industry analysts have been given any hands-on time with the device.
Yes, there’s huge appeal in being able to fit a tablet-sized screen in your trouser or jacket pockets – even if the idea of getting coins trapped between the screens doesn’t bear thinking about.
And yes, it’s great to see a smartphone that doesn’t look like 2001’s black monolith – even if you’d have to be a very trusting parent to let your toddler watch YouTube on it.
In time, it may be considered that Samsung trumped Apple with its tenth anniversary release.
But $1,980+? You can buy a Galaxy S10e, iPad Pro, wireless headphones and still have change for a foreign break for that.

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