Home United States USA — mix Trump to Receive Auto Tariff Report, Setting Up Another Fight

Trump to Receive Auto Tariff Report, Setting Up Another Fight


The president will have 90 days to make a determination on whether to impose tariffs. The industry is united in its opposition.
WASHINGTON — The Commerce Department is expected to submit a report to President Trump in the coming days that could give the United States authority to impose tariffs on foreign cars and car parts on the basis of protecting national security, setting up another potential skirmish with America’s trading partners.
An administration official confirmed that the report would be submitted to the White House before a Feb. 17 deadline. The president has 90 days to make a determination on auto tariffs after receiving the report, which is not expected to immediately be made public.
The document stems from Mr. Trump’s request to the department last year to investigate whether imports of automobiles pose a threat to national security. It remains unclear exactly what the Commerce Department will recommend, but analysts say they expect the document to outline a range of options for the president, whether that means doing nothing or imposing tariffs or quotas on imported cars and parts.
While Mr. Trump has long threatened to hit allies like Europe with car tariffs, it is not clear whether he will actually take that step. The administration is fighting multiple trade battles at once, including with China, and other countries have warned Mr. Trump that any move to impose tariffs would warrant reciprocal action.
The United States’ auto industry, including automakers like General Motors, has also urged the administration not to proceed with tariffs, which they say would hobble companies in the country and raise prices for consumers.

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