Start United States USA — IT On web’s 30th birthday, its inventor says we need to stop its...

On web’s 30th birthday, its inventor says we need to stop its ‘downward plunge’


It’s 30 years today since Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for what would become the World Wide Web. The inventor has said that while he feels…
It’s 30 years today since Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for what would become the World Wide Web. The inventor has said that while he feels the web was a force for good for its first 15 years, he now thinks action is required to prevent a ‘downward plunge to a dysfunctional future.’
Berners-Lee said that the 30th anniversary was a time to reflect on both the positives and negatives…
He made the comments in an interview with the BBC.
I think it’s been a force for good for the first 15 [years], and right now it’s really in the balance. I’m very concerned about nastiness and misinformation spreading. I think with a mid-course correction, the ‘contract for the web’ is about: let’s all stop this downward plunge to a dysfunctional future.
The ‘contract for the web‘ refers to an initiative backed by Berners-Lee to ‘establish clear norms, laws and standards that underpin the web.’ It calls for action by governments, companies and individuals alike.
Governments Will:
Ensure everyone can connect to the internet so that anyone, no matter who they are or where they live, can participate actively online.

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