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Report: Hillary didn’t mean to imply yesterday that she’s definitely not running in 2020


« She has told her team she is waiting at least to see the Mueller report. »
She’s been playing this game for months. “I’d like to be president,” she said in October, stressing that “the work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been at the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department.” She said she’d think about her role in the party after the midterms — but added that no, she wasn’t running. Did that mean she wasn’t running at the moment or that she wouldn’t run? Her spokesman pointed to that “no” when reporters came calling, seemingly closing the door on Hillary 2020.
Then, last week, the NYT reported that “Mrs. Clinton has given the impression that she harbors a faint hope she could still become president one day. In private conversations, she occasionally muses about an opening, according to some who have spoken with her, sounding more wistful than realistic.” She was asked about that on Monday and shot it down again. “I’m not running, but I’m going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for what I believe,” she told a New Jersey television. So there you go. The Clinton era is over.
Or is it? Today brings the inevitable walkback of that latest denial. Even for Hillary, this is pretty Hillary:
The person also says she is extremely unlikely to run, but that she remains bothered that she’s expected to close the door on it when, say, John Kerry isn’t. She has told her team she is waiting at least to see the Mueller report.

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