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Pioneering better mental health behind the scenes


We need a drastic culture change in the creative industries to support workers.
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The Film and TV Charity supports the 180,000 people working behind the scenes in the UK’s film, TV and cinema industry. We have existed for almost 100 years and are uniquely placed to understand the industry’s issues. We all rely heavily on film and TV to keep us entertained and informed and, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector was booming. The industry contributed £16.7bn to the UK economy in 2018.
Away from the glamour of awards and premieres, the industry depends on the creativity, grit and determination of talented individuals in an enormous variety of roles, from writing to directing, visual effects to costumes, and rigging to sports broadcast. There is always a human cost to keeping the cameras rolling – we tend to hear the stories that others do not, about the impact of viewing traumatic footage in a newsroom editing suite; of looking after vulnerable contributors; of a 40-hour shift without sleep.

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