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'We have to act' — HHS Secretary Azar warns 'window closing' to halt coronavirus spike


Azar also denied that states reopening prematurely was tied to the spike in coronavirus cases and instead blamed „inappropriate individual behavior“ that has spread the virus.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar warned Sunday that time was running out for the U. S. to curb the spread of coronavirus as cases rise across the country, particularly in the American South and West. „We’ve got the tools to do this,“ Azar told NBC’s Meet The Press. „But the window is closing, we have to act, and people as individuals have to act responsibility. We need to social distance, we need to wear our face coverings where we can’t social distance, particularly in these hot zones.“
Azar’s warning comes as President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence claim the country has „flattened the curve“ and that new cases can be attributed to increased testing capacity.

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