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Remote Working: The New Normal


As businesses start to open and create their new normal, their most important asset is their people.
CEO & Founder at THE HR ICU. Providing simple, affordable and time-efficient HR tools for all levels of people leaders in an organization. Through any life crisis comes insight into what is important to us, what we no longer need and what we want for the future; the same applies to business and our careers. As businesses start to open and create their new normal, their most important asset is their people. Everyone has just gone through experiences they can’t explain, been pushed to extremes and felt emotions they never knew existed. For most of us, it’s the first time we have ever had such experiences. It has united us yet also created distance at the same time. Below are a few suggestions business owners and leaders can use to help transition to their new work plan. Remote Working If your business allows, you may have been working remotely for the past several months. As a leader, this likely was never something you envisioned for your company; some of you probably thought it was not possible. Yet 43% of the workforce works at home at least some of the time and upward of 58% of knowledge workers shifted their thinking and adapted during the pandemic. Some had the privilege to have everyone work from home, whereas other businesses were divided between field workers and office workers (e.g., construction). As you prepare for your new normal and realize that people can be as productive at home as they are at work, why not consider a long-term remote working plan? You can start by creating a slow return to work with a combination of office/remote work.

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