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What Will It Take for GOP and Democrats to Reach a Deal on Stimulus Checks, Package?


When asked if another deal was coming, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said he couldn’t speculate.
To get a deal done on the next coronavirus relief package, Democrats say the Trump administration has to increase the budget. The administration says Democrats need to lower the price tag. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke on Wednesday about a potential deal, the first time since talks stalled on Friday. While more progress can be made when conversations are happening than when they’re not, the two sides remain divided, indicating that a deal may never happen. « An overture was made by Secretary Mnuchin to meet and he made clear that his televised comments from earlier today still stand: the White House is not budging from their position concerning the size and scope of a legislative package, » Pelosi said in a statement. The House speaker said Democrats compromised and were willing to come down by $1 trillion if the other side came up by the same amount, putting the price tag around $2 trillion. Get your unlimited Newsweek trial > Pelosi told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin on Wednesday that the Democrats can’t resolve their differences with the administration because « we are miles apart. » One example of this divide is the issue of food. The Democrats included more than $60 billion for nutrition programs, including food banks, whereas Republicans have $240,000, Pelosi said.

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