Домой United States USA — Sport Iran Announces Election Results: ‘Americans Lose’

Iran Announces Election Results: ‘Americans Lose’


Iran’s state-controlled PressTV outlet ran a column Friday concluding that a loss for President Donald Trump was a “win for duopoly,” meaning America’s …
Iran’s state-controlled PressTV outlet ran a column Friday concluding that a loss for President Donald Trump was a “win for duopoly,” meaning America’s free election system, and that no matter who wins the 2020 presidential election, “Americans lose.” PressTV and other Iranian state media outlets have invested significant time in “analysis” pieces that conclude that the American people are repressed, their votes do not matter, and that only a revolution will save America. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei predicted the collapse of America in its entirety in remarks on Election Day, citing a lack of morality in the country. Iran is an Islamic theocracy that uses criminal law to punish dancing, women showing their hair, “blasphemy,” and any political dissent. While Iran does hold elections, Khamenei gets to choose who appears on the ballot, preventing the public from having any legitimate choice. PressTV insisted on Friday, however, that Americans are the ones truly disenfranchised. “’Democracy with American characteristics’ in the 21st century,” PressTV asserted, paraphrasing the Communist Party’s slogan “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” “means a never-ending duopoly, where citizens go to boarded up polling places on streets emptied of civilians but full of security forces, as if they are going to war and not just to vote like a normal person.” “Because Trump posed a threat to the duopoly, they and their 1% allies absolutely freaked out in 2016 and spent four years throwing everything they had at him to boot him out by any means necessary.

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