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I respect the Samsung Galaxy Note line immensely — but I won’t miss it


It seems very likely that the Galaxy Note series will end in 2021. The Note line has given us so much, but I won’t be sad when it leaves.
There have been rumors swirling for years, but it’s looking very likely that 2021 will see the end of the Samsung Galaxy Note series. Recent rumors suggest the 2021 Galaxy Note could be the last. It’s even possible that we’ve already seen the swan song of the series with the Galaxy Note 20 line. Either way, the smart money is on the Note series bowing out in the very near future. The Note line has been so influential over the past decade that many people will be sad about its rumored departure. However, I’m not finding myself sad at all. In fact, I am totally OK with the Note line proverbially riding off into the sunset. Obviously, there are still people out there who are passionate fans of their Notes. I know many readers here buy the latest Note each year like clockwork. While I expect these folks will be very disappointed if these rumors come true, I can’t help but wonder what the Note line means to them at this point. The first few Notes were game-changers that absolutely shifted the entire smartphone industry. Over the past few years, though, the Note line has seemed to be a shell of its former self. At this point, what can be said about the Galaxy Note series that hasn’t already been said? The smartphone you hold in your hands right now is a direct descendent of the first Note. It doesn’t matter what brand your phone is or even what operating system is on there. The size and shape of your 2020 smartphone is the way it is because of the first few Note phones. In 2011, the industry thought Samsung was crazy to release the first Galaxy Note. In comparison to its contemporaries, the first Note was enormous. It was 5.8 inches tall,3.3 inches wide, and 0.4 inches thick. That may seem small by today’s standards, but the Note was roughly 50% bigger than the then-latest iPhone 4S. Some reviewers outright mocked how gargantuan the first Note seemed. Others simply questioned whether or not consumers would ever want a phone that big. Considering most 2020 smartphones are physically larger than the original Note, we now know that early reviewers were very, very wrong. The runaway successes of the first few entries in the Galaxy Note series pushed the entire industry to adopt aspects of its design. Even Apple had to finally cave in 2014 and offer a larger phone with the iPhone 6 Plus.

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