Home United States USA — mix Conservatives launch battle against Democrats' 'dark money' operations

Conservatives launch battle against Democrats' 'dark money' operations


By Thomas Catenacci
Daily Caller News Foundation
A coalition of conservative groups …

By Thomas Catenacci Daily Caller News Foundation A coalition of conservative groups launched a $2 million media campaign targeting progressive “dark money” groups that funded President Joe Biden’s campaign. The conservative coalition, led by Judicial Crisis Network, Heritage Action for America and Americans for Public Trust, seeks to shine a light on progressive “dark money” groups like Arabella Advisors, which poured millions of dollars into President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, according to Capital Research Center. The campaign will also target Xavier Becerra, Biden’s nominee to head the Health Department, and Vanita Gupta, Biden’s pick for associate attorney general. “Dark money groups led by Arabella Advisors, among others, now want payback for helping Joe Biden get elected,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, said in a statement. “Mr. Biden promised unity, but his nominees to high positions and his policy prescriptions reveal an extreme liberal agenda, on which these dark money groups are trying to cash in.

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