Home United States USA — Sport For me, this year’s Super Bowl MVP will be the most valuable...

For me, this year’s Super Bowl MVP will be the most valuable poet


This year, I am the one who wants to see the game.
We all have our reasons for watching the Super Bowl. Most of them have to do with football. But not all. Daughter Sara, for instance, has sported a five-year crush on a certain hunky quarterback (also known as HQ). Knowing her indifference to football otherwise, and her love of art, I was surprised the year she dragged me out of the Norton Simon Museum Rodin exhibit because we had to get home for the Superbowl kick-off. “Since when are you a football fan?” “Since that hot quarterback started decorating the field.” We got home just in time for the kick-off, but as soon as that play was over Sara turned off the television.

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