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4 Software QA Metrics To Enhance Dev Quality and Speed


In this article, we discuss how the demand for software is higher than ever. Lines of code govern almost everything we do in our day-to-day activities.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Today, the demand for software is higher than ever. Lines of code govern almost everything we do in our day-to-day activities. The way we buy, the way we sell, even the way we communicate. In 2019, according to Evans Data Corporation, there were 23.9 million developers worldwide. In an attempt to hold their place within the market, developers are having to speed their process up whilst delivering products of ever-increasing quality. This happening all across the board, even and especially at the 50 leading SaaS companies. Often speed and quality seem at odds with one another, but in reality, this isn’t the case. Improvement in both areas is obtainable. This is where QA can help. Much like any manufacturing industry, the presence of Quality Assurance in software development is to mitigate risks, ensuring a defective product doesn’t reach the consumer. The process should push to improve the product quality and establish more efficient practices. Effectively executed throughout the dev process, QA should also drive your business goals and increase revenue. Faster production and a higher quality product, combined with various strategies for effective communication, will lead to happier consumers which, in turn, will lead to an increase in revenue. Sounds easy, right? Well, first you need a few tools to help you. Applied throughout the dev process, QA metrics will monitor the whole production allowing you to focus on key areas for analysis and improvement. Along with metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can help you realize levels of performance in specific areas. Before the project begins you should always establish just what it is you need to learn from certain metrics and KPIs within those areas. So, here we go. The caliber of code is fundamental to the quality of your product. Through frequent reviews you can assess the health of your software, thus detecting unreliable code and defects in the building blocks of your project. Identifying flaws is going to help you throughout the dev process and well into the future. Good quality code will allow you to reduce the risks of defects and avoid application and website crashes. Today, much of this process can be automated, avoiding human error and diverting resources toward other tasks. But, there are a number of code quality analytics you can focus on.

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