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Gaming The New Year's Resolution


Gamification is an entertaining and innovative way to encourage employees to achieve goals.
Chief Creative Officer at The Training Arcade and The Game Agency – exciting, engaging and educating audiences. Over the next few weeks, many people will ask themselves what they can do differently in the new year. They will set goals and put plans in place to make personal or professional improvements. Unfortunately, according to a study by the University of Scranton,92% of people who set New Year’s goals fail to achieve them. There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it takes a village to make people successful. We simply can’t do it on our own. After all, we’re social in nature and influenced by those around us. How can we motivate our team and get them to follow through with their New Year’s goal? One approach worth exploring is the use of gamification at work. This is where a great company culture can make a difference. Through gamification, companies can help focus their employee’s energy, create optimism and drive success at things that are important to the individual. Jane McGonigal, an American game designer and author, advocates the use of games to channel positive attitudes and collaboration in the real world, stating “Game developers know better than anyone else how to inspire extreme effort and reward hard work. They know how to facilitate cooperation and collaboration at previously unimaginable scales. And they are continuously innovating new methods to motivate players to stick with harder challenges, for longer, and in much bigger groups. These crucial twenty-first-century skills can help all of us find new ways to make a deep and lasting impact on the world around us.” Benefits Of Gamification In The Workplace Gamification is the model of applying game-like elements to non-game-like situations. It encourages people to do repetitive, mundane tasks they already do by making it more fun, rewarding and engaging. It is typically used to reinforce good work and build employee morale.

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