Home United States USA — Music The 2021 Music Holiday Gift Guide For Musicians

The 2021 Music Holiday Gift Guide For Musicians


From recording gear to key accessories, this guide has something for all the artists in your life.
This year saw a lot of amazing artists finding themselves in the public eye for the first time, and they all started somewhere. In fact, it’s possible that you know somebody with that type of potential. Maybe they have the goods but just need a key piece of equipment or two to get to the next level. If you’re gift-shopping for somebody like that, Guitar Center has a ton of offerings that you’ll be thanked for effusively. Even if the aspiring artist in your life already has all the gear they need, there are still some goodies and novelties that will surely be appreciated. So, we’ve rounded up some of our favorites and the list includes things like a terrific DIY recording kit, accessories that bring convenience to the life of a nomadic artist, and a few fun things that are more low-key but surprisingly useful. So, if you’re looking for inspiration ahead of the end-of-year holidays, keep reading. If there’s an aspiring artist in your life who has the talent to create amazing music but doesn’t have the resources to make some decent-sounding recordings, this kit could be a perfect start for them. There’s a large diaphragm condenser mic to capture their performance, a pair of headphones so they can really hear what they’re doing, and a USB audio interface to manage all the inputs and outputs. Pair this with a laptop that has even a simple digital audio workstation program and your up-and-comer has a chance to create something great. Get it here. That previous kit is great, but if you’re looking for something more compact or your budget is a bit tighter, this little Fender device could be a perfect alternative. What we have here is a guitar headphone amplifier and a recording interface that can be used to record over USB, stream Bluetooth audio to make it easy to play along to a backing track, and mess with amp, effect, and EQ settings.

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